Energy and vibrational practices that interact with the subtle energies and vibrations within and around our body, believe that “the flow” and “balance” of these energies determines our overall health. Energetic modalities such as Acupuncture, Chi Gong, Reiki, Craniosacral and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy in conjunction to BET (Bio-Dynamic Energetic Therapy) Meditation (specific to cycling energy throughout the body’s energy systems) are just a handful of therapies that help to regulate the subtle bodies that make-up the physical body. Energy medicine is a therapeutic process which assists the body in balancing various biological functions and energetic processes that make up the physical body.
Understanding the Subtle Bodies & The Energy Systems
The first systems that become impaired are the energetic systems, which then procreates down to the physical body eventually causing acute or chronic pain. When left untreated one will experience tenderness, pain, numbing, twitching, spasms, shooting pain locally or systemic throughout the body. These symptoms are caused by weakened or overactive acupoints and congested energy channels. The acupoints are vertices of energy that provides the meridian sufficient energy to maintain optimal organ and glandular health. When the acupoint(s) become weak, blocked, or overactive the meridian associated to the organ falls out of balance and eventually causes the organ or gland to eventually fail. Because these systems are interconnected it causes a cascading affect to both non-physical and physical systems.
Energy medicine is crucial to the body as air is to our lungs and blood. Energy medicine is a means to help re-balance and repair both the physical structures and energy systems of the body, just like running, walking and doing weights develop one’s muscular and cardiovascular systems.
What are energy bodies?
Energy bodies are an accumulation of lines of light and force which make up the physical body. Disruption to any level of these bodies generally affect us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. There are 12 known bodies, but only the mental, etheric and astral bodies are usually spoken about.
The Etheric Body:
The Etheric body also know as the vital body is the closest non-physical system to the physical body. To properly heal the physical body the Etheric body has to be cycling and fluid. The Etheric body has one main objective. This is to vitalize and energize the physical body and integrate it into the energy body of the earth and the solar system. It is a web of energy streams of lines of force and light that streams through our veins, arteries and nervous system. This system helps to fuel and repair the physical body.
The Astral Body:
The Astral body also known as the “Emotional” or “Desire Body”, is the effects of interplay of our desire and our response to those desires. The undesired effects of this interplay are experienced as emotions, pain and pleasure and their opposing opposites.
The Mental Body:
The mental body is the last of the internal bodies. This level of the energy bodies affects our mind if not maintained. Approximately 5% of all modern diseases originating in this body affects us consciously. All imbalances in the body or energy system is usually attributed to either a lack of vitality or too much stimulation.
*Note: 90% of physical imbalances and diseases occur in the etheric and astral bodies; 5% in the mental body and the last 5% dispersed throughout the rest of the external energy bodies
What Can Cause Imbalances?
Qi (life force) Conditions:
Deficient Qi: Not enough Qi to perform the necessary functions.
Sinking or collapsed Qi: The Qi cannot perform its supportive functions.
Stagnated Qi: The Qi flow is impaired. If congested or stuck in an organ, there can be pain, sluggishness, or stiffness.
Rebellious Qi: The Qi flows in the wrong direction.
Core Blood Patterns:
Blood Deficiency: Because of Spleen Qi deficiency (in providing necessary support materials), the Heart and Liver are negatively affected. The Heart governs blood, and the Liver stores it. Lacking Qi, the Heart cannot effectively pump the blood and the Liver cannot properly cleanse it.
Blood Stagnation: The blood is not flowing normally because of an obstruction.
Fluid (Jin Ye) Issues:
Fluid deficiency: Too much heat or dryness, or deficient blood can create dryness
Stagnation of fluids: If the yang energy cannot transport the fluids, they can accumulate to cause dampness (such as edema or phlegm).
The above problems can combine to create Qi and blood deficiency, and/or stagnation. A scenario might involve the stagnation of Qi over time, which creates stagnation in the blood. Conversely, blood deficiency can also lead to Qi deficiency; if the Qi cannot move the blood, the result might be stagnated blood.
For example, a disorder might be described as an invasion of “Wind-Cold” or “Wind-Heat.” As you might imagine, Wind-Cold might produce chills or dampness whereas Wind-Heat could result in fevers and sweating.
General traditional theory asserts that when under stress, the body’s meridian system becomes imbalanced. Many factors cause stress, including physical, psychological issues, biochemical problems, and electromagnetic difficulties such as geopathic stress. Even natural environmental factors such as excess cold, damp, wind, dryness, or heat can create imbalances. Under duress, the blood, Qi, and fluid cannot flow normally, which usually leads to congestion (excess or blockage) or depletion (deficiency or weakness). Symptoms of these imbalances can be found throughout the meridians even before they manifest physically. Once these problems appear physically, these underlying causes can impede the body’s healing ability.
Note: The information above can be found on Pg. 222 & 223 of “The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy”.
General Symptoms of Acute & Chronic Ailments
I’ve categorized 4 phases of impairment that indicates a physical or non-physical systems decline as per the cause of imbalances in the previous section above. Initially the acupoint becomes impaired eventually causing ailments or a more aggressive form of disease if left untreated.
Phase 1.) Twitching, spamming, tension (weak acupoints are discharging energy similar to a frayed wire); at this level energy and fluids throughout the body as well as organs are slowly becoming deficient.
Phase 2.) Tenderness (symptoms may include, but not limited to tension, aches, minor bouts of pain, weakness in extremities such as wrists or legs). This generally occurs when the acupoints are weak and beginning to stall; pooling of blood and fluids occur)
Phase 3.) Pain (symptoms may include, but not limited to anxiety, heaviness, pressure – moderate to severe); acupoints are weak and some are blocked. Pooling of energy and fluids throughout the body affecting a larger surface area. Weakness and bruising in arms and legs can occur. At this level one generally lives in constant pain of one to two location in the body. General locations where a system is being stifled is usually central to the chest, upper central abdomen or along the sacral and tailbone.
Phase 4.) Numbing feeling or sensations: (symptoms may include, but not limited to anxiety, heaviness, pressure, tingling or burning sensation); acupoints are gererally weak with restriction of energy or fluids flowing through the energy channel and physical systems. Pooling has occurred and damage ranges from bruising, patches of cold, heat, numbing, skin discoloration, eczema and or psoriasis like symptoms may occur. At this level one generally lives in constant pain and numbness of one to several locations in the body. General locations where a system is being stifled is central to the chest, upper central abdomen, sacral and tailbone or anywhere along the spinal column.
Please note: that an individual can also be ill and have little to no symptoms or feeling of impairment within the body. This is because they don’t have a “mind body connection” anymore. This mind body connection will eventually be correct during the recovery process.
How Does Energy Medicine Help With Chronic Pain?
Energy medicine therapies help to strengthen our bio-magnetic field, regulate the energy in our chakras that nourish our organs and acupoints by flushing congestion and limiting blockages within both the physical and non-physical bodies. Unfortunately to do so, an enormous amount of energy is required over periods of time to stay ahead and reverse infections or any chronic areas where cysts, tumours or other obstructions whether physical or non-physical reside. Therefore, it’s encouraged to do some form of energetic practice to control or stay ahead of the impaired systems in conjunction to being on a well balanced diet for the system that’s imbalanced. Once the affected area receives the necessary amounts of energy required to repair an impaired energy point or structure, the physical and non-physical bodies naturally begins to heal themselves.
Benefits of Energy Medicine
Energy medicine is an integrative, dynamic and extensive therapy, which re-balances not just the energy system, but also the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, nervous, endocrine, reproductive, and lymphatic systems. Energy medicine can help:
- Reduces feelings of stress, anxiety and depression
- Reduces overall physical pain to the skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems
- Strengthens the immune system
- Improves mental focus and memory
- Improves sleep patterns
How Do You Know Your Energy System Is Compromised?
If any of the individual acupoints become weak or overactive within the meridian system, it can cause imbalances in a localized muscle structures or systemic depending on how chronic the system is. These symptoms can manifest as:
- Depression and anxiety
- Headaches or migraines
- Psoriasis, eczema, rashes, sores, acne
- Bleeding gums, tooth and jaw pain
- Achy, sore or painful joint pain
- Burning, dry, itchy or watery eyes
- Cramping, spasms or twitchy muscles
- Sharp, dull or random shooting pain
- Itchy and or ticklish patches throughout the body
- Tingling, tenderness, pain or numbness throughout the body
- Excess heat (heartburn, acid re-flux, hot flashes or heat local to the affected area)
- Coolness (localized or systemic)
- Heaviness in the body (local or systemic)
- General fatigue throughout the body, tired limbs such as feet, legs, hands, arms)
- Hearing issues: tinnitus; muffled, pain, itchy or popping in the ears
- Etc.
Both the physical and energy system can also become compromised by:
- Our thought patterns, which can cause stress and depression
- Psychological traumas
- Environmental influences: Electronic frequencies (cell, radio, TV, etc.) and chemicals (all forms))
- The foods we ingest whether healthy or not
- Physical injuries (i.e. car accident, surgery, sport injuries, etc.)
- Life style habits, such as lack of sleep, poor hydration, drug use (smoking and liquor all kinds whether prescribed or not – Cannabis and CBD’s included as the liver and other system have to process everything entering the body)
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