25 Sep

Energy Medicine

Educating yourself is important when sustaining health and well-being of your body, mind and spirit. I believe that information must be disseminated to ensure this. I came across an article while doing a search on the internet for “Energy Medicine” and it lead me to Opra Winfrey’s website. I was very impressed with the article as it provides an overall description of what Energy Medicine is. My blog on “What Is Energy Medicine?” provides more insight on energy healing from a practitioners stand point.

The “Energy Medicine” article touches on: what energy is, energy fields, Energy meridians, various energetic modialities such as QiGong, Tai Chi, Reiki, Acupuncture and more. Provided below are snip-its of the article to tantilize your taste buds. For the full article please refer to the source link I provided at the end of this blog.

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18 Sep

What is energy medicine?


What is energy medicine? First I would like to give you a basic understanding of what energy is. Energy is what many call vitality or life force. Some of the more common names which are now being used within our culture for “life force” are Prana, Qi or Reiki. Energy medicine is based on the premise that all physical objects for example our body and psychological processes such as our thoughts; emotions, beliefs and attitudes are expressions of energy.

For there to be harmony or balance in the body it needs to occur on two levels, the physical and in the energetic body which surrounds and permeates our being. For example when blood flows through our arteries and veins it is in the state of homeostasis or balance. If there is plaque buildup within an artery this is referred to as a blockage disrupting the natural flow of the blood. This can also be said about the flow of energy, which can become blocked causing stagnation and eventually result in disease within an organ or gland. Disruptive changes like this can stream throughout your energetic super highway system wreaking havoc internally and externally to your body.

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31 Aug

What do you know about Wheat?

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What do you know about the foods you eat and the affects they have on your body? This post, gives some insight about my personal experience and the harmful effects that Wheat can have on your well-being. The symptoms that I’m about to describe may be odd, but once you get a better understanding of what happens to your body after consuming wheat for prolonged periods of time anything goes.

Four years ago I weighed 260 lbs which my body held on to from several years prior. In November 2011 I noticed that I was getting physical reactions after eating almost everything that crossed my lips. Some of these reactions brought about stomach and abdominal pain from inflammation, bloating, rashes from my head to my toe, my eyes would turn red after consuming anything with sugar whether it was chocolate, pop, juice or a serving of fruit. I also recalled going to the hospital 3 times in one week after having problems breathing because my throat would swell shut. One of the most disturbing things that use to happen to me was that I started blacking-out at friends’ houses and once at a restaurant.

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