12 Oct

What do you know about cancer?

Many of us at one time or another knew someone who has or had cancer. This word sparks fear and desperation into the hearts of the afflicted along with the friends and family connected to them. We also hear about the people who try alternative methods which cleanses the cancer from their bodies. There are very few people who understand what cancer is or how to treat it. Many of us realize that the mismanagement of our body can bring about diseases such as diabetes, cardio vascular issues, etc. and in some cases we change our life style to reverse these issues.

We come from a history of people that we followed to get us to the times we’re currently in today. If we trace back our steps a generation or two, we learn that our body has inherent abilities when cared for altering our state of disease to a state of balance. The video “The Truth About Cancer” provided below has informative information from the perspectives of medical and alternative doctors about cancer.


31 Aug

What do you know about Wheat?

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What do you know about the foods you eat and the affects they have on your body? This post, gives some insight about my personal experience and the harmful effects that Wheat can have on your well-being. The symptoms that I’m about to describe may be odd, but once you get a better understanding of what happens to your body after consuming wheat for prolonged periods of time anything goes.

Four years ago I weighed 260 lbs which my body held on to from several years prior. In November 2011 I noticed that I was getting physical reactions after eating almost everything that crossed my lips. Some of these reactions brought about stomach and abdominal pain from inflammation, bloating, rashes from my head to my toe, my eyes would turn red after consuming anything with sugar whether it was chocolate, pop, juice or a serving of fruit. I also recalled going to the hospital 3 times in one week after having problems breathing because my throat would swell shut. One of the most disturbing things that use to happen to me was that I started blacking-out at friends’ houses and once at a restaurant.

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