25 Sep

Energy Medicine

Educating yourself is important when sustaining health and well-being of your body, mind and spirit. I believe that information must be disseminated to ensure this. I came across an article while doing a search on the internet for “Energy Medicine” and it lead me to Opra Winfrey’s website. I was very impressed with the article as it provides an overall description of what Energy Medicine is. My blog on “What Is Energy Medicine?” provides more insight on energy healing from a practitioners stand point.

The “Energy Medicine” article touches on: what energy is, energy fields, Energy meridians, various energetic modialities such as QiGong, Tai Chi, Reiki, Acupuncture and more. Provided below are snip-its of the article to tantilize your taste buds. For the full article please refer to the source link I provided at the end of this blog.


Acupuncture Acupuncture originated as part of the Traditional Chinese Medical System (TCM), and today is often practiced in the West as a stand-alone treatment. This treatment involves the (virtually) painless insertion of very fine needles shallowly into the skin at points all over the body. The points chosen by the practitioner are very specific and correspond to points along the meridians—or channels of vital energy flow—throughout the body. Acupuncture has been well studied and proven effective in treating a variety of conditions, especially pain.

QiGong and Tai Chi

qigong_practiceThese related therapies originated in the medical system developed centuries ago in China called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). These techniques involve the use of meditation, movement and breath regulation to improve or rebalance the flow of vital energy. These slow, gentle movements can be performed by virtually anyone, regardless of age or fragility. Research has shown that regular use of qigong or Tai Chi exercises can improve circulation, improve immune function and promote a relaxation response in the body. In China today, these therapies are used in many hospitals along with conventional medicine to treat cancer, heart disease and digestive problems.

Reiki/Healing Touch and Therapeutic Touch

ReikiEach of these energy medicine techniques involve the movement of a healer’s hands over the patient’s body, sometimes without actually touching the body. The practitioner uses his or her hands to sense imbalances of energy and to strengthen, correct or redirect the subtle energy flow as a means to promoting health. While these modalities have not yet been well researched, there is some casual evidence to suggest they could be helpful in a wide variety of illnesses such as stress related physical symptoms, pain, high blood pressure and other heart conditions.

To view the full article please click the source link provided below.

Source: http://www.oprah.com/health/Energy-Medicine

84 thoughts on “Energy Medicine

  1. Very good post! I am interested in energy work but I didn't know all these variations that are out there. I find its a lot like massage where there are tons of different modalities and ideologies in order to accomplish similar things. Because not all people and bodies react the same to each treatment.
    • Yes I agree that not all people and bodies react the same way to each treatment. Energy work is a tricky practice. This modality works in unison with the practitioner and the client. Regardless if the client thinks the process is effective or not it still works, however if the client is in a state of mind where they think that the process will not work, or the problem may come back then there is a possibility that it will be undone. For example if you work at a job that you can’t stand tension, anger and irritability may be a bi-product of your thoughts towards this job. These thought may affect for example your liver meridian by causing energy stagnation resulting in a blockage of the meridian. When you go to get acupuncture or energy work done to relieve this energy blockage your physical and emotional symptoms will revert back to a state of balance. If you choose to stay in this undesirable job and not change your thoughts and outlook towards it, similar problems can crop up because of your choice to stay and not deal with the problem. That’s why I believe the practitioner has to relate multidimensionally with the mind, body and spirit of the individual. So practice various modalities and discover which ones resonate with you and practice, practice, practice to allow your intuitive side grow
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