How to create a pain-free office setup
Some of us spend our days doing a lot of sitting, rather than engaging in the well-rounded physical activities our bodies were intended for. If you work in an office or at home, the videos below describe how to setup your office chair and workstation so they are ergonomic, which means they are both comfortable and prevent injury. The information will provide you with the basics on how to limit structural and mobility injuries that can affect your neck, back, chest, hips and legs.
In addition I advise my clients to do the following:
Stretch daily. This which will further limit structural and mobility issues. Simple stretching techniques can be incorporated into their daily routines.
Take breaks every 15 minutes. Anyone working on a computer should also take breaks every 15 minutes to re-adjust their eyes. Our eyes are made to continuously move, which naturally strengthens them. Such movement reduces your chances of getting headaches, migraines, and vision issues.
Walk around. Your lymph system will only carry toxins out of your body if you move, because lymphatic drainage happens when you tense your muscles – or during lymphatic massage.
To learn more on how to minimize or relieve upper and lower back pain, please refer to my blog posts on “how to treat upper back pain.” and “Do you suffer from lower back pain?“.
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