What is an acupuncture energy meridian?
Do you suffer from anxiety, stress, depression, chronic pain, headaches or migraines? Well maybe the problem is deeper than you realized. As we embark in the age of information our world is becoming smaller and smaller as time goes on. With information at our finger tips we are now learning at an exponential rate. This post was created to give my readers a general understanding of the acupuncture meridian systems. Unlike the western medical system which does not take the flow of energy through and around the body into consideration our eastern counterparts does and has for the last 3000 years.
I have added three short videos which will explain what a meridian is and things in our every day life that may affect it such as physical and emotional traumas as well as dietary imbalances. These imbalances if kept unchecked can eventually affect the organ the meridian is related to causing disease within the body.
Skilled energy practitioners and acupuncturists can help maintain clear energy channels in conjunction with meditation, yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong.
Understanding acupuncture meridians:
Dietary and emotional factors and how they affect the acupuncture meridians:
Learn how energy imbalances can affect the organs:
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